Bec's story
Bec was brought up on the coast of Western Australia where she spent most of her days at the beach swimming, surfing + fishing. Over long weekends she spent her time on family friend's farms shooting + learning the ropes of farming. This really sparked her love of the land.
During Bec's early 20's she completed a Bachelor of Education but found herself yearning for a life of farming. She spent as much free-time she had working on farms, in shearing sheds, sale-yards and hanging at local rodeos! Eventually she ended up getting into the rodeo scene and fell in love with team roping + barrel racing.
As time went on, Bec met her partner Conor in a very tiny town in WA. She was a school teacher at the time and ended up quitting to pursue her lifelong dream of working on a station with Conor!
After some time they had two gorgeous kids + bought a small farm of their own. They soon realized they wanted the 'Western life' in Canada + made the massive decision to sell everything + move to Canada's largest Cattle Ranch for work!
What an epic ride they had exploring + working in Canada for roughly 2.5 years!
Recently, they realized they wanted their Aussie Country life back and so they moved back to Western Aus!!!
Now they live on Bec's Dad's farm in a gorgeous cottage that dates back to 1856.
Due to Bec's Dad working away regularly, she is starting the farm fresh by farming Aussie White sheep. The plan is to farm here, lease additional land + eventually buy a large farm within Australia.
Stay tuned for future videos where Bec shares her farm life. You will also get a glimpse into her horses, Mum life, gardening + homesteading!
- Simply sharing my life, Out West!
You can see a glimpse into Bec's life through her Instagram + YouTube channel!